PhD students from all disciplines across campus are invited to register for Ivey PhD courses as per their interest.
Interested students can direct questions to Carly Vanderheyden ([email protected])
Winter Term 2021 Ivey Course Offerings
*NEW* BUS 9861 - Inequality, Diversity, and Business (Instructor: former Dean of Social Science, Bob Anderson; Fridays, 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.; online synchronous.)
Tremendous increases in economic inequality and diversity have posed significant challenges for nearly all modern capitalist societies. How are “opportunities”, both within organizations and in society more generally, created and constrained by social stratification? Does inequality and diversity affect innovation and productivity? As government and business leaders grapple with how to respond to these questions, it is important that they understand how society is stratified, how this stratification is perpetuated, and its consequences. Specific topics to be covered are stratification and social mobility; cultural and social capital; labour market discrimination; the relationship between inequality and attitudes; diversity and innovation; and the ways in which equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) have been tackled in organizations.
BUS 9712 - Special Topics in Statistics (Instructor: Brandon Schaufele; Mondays 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.; online)
This course introduces advanced econometric and statistical methods used to analyze causal inference and research design for applied research questions in management. Topics covered include instrumental variables, regression discontinuity designs, limited dependent variable models, statistical inference, matching, difference-in-differences, natural experiments and identification. Students will be introduced to a range of data analysis skills and several software packages.
BUS 9882 - Management Science: Applications of Statistical Analysis (Instructor: Fredrik Odegaard; Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.; online)
This course will cover graduate level research articles involving either fully or partially empirical analysis.
BUS 9770 - Business strategy I (Instructor: Adam Fremeth; Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.; online)
This doctoral seminar surveys the core theoretical perspectives used in strategy research with a particular focus on those influenced by economics, as well as major strategy phenomena on which these perspectives are commonly applied. It is meant to provide in-depth understanding on the overarching theme of firm behaviour, performance and heterogeneity, and it aims to provoke meaningful inquiry on frontier issues in strategy research. The course includes both theoretical and empirical papers, and covers foundational issues as well as recent research within each subfield of study.