Dissertation Writers' Retreats are designed to provide Western PhD candidates with dedicated time for intensive writing. Participating in the Retreat can help you make significant progress in writing your dissertation and help establish good writing habits.
DATE: July 10-11, 2023
TIME: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION: In-person and online. Please indicate how you will attend upon registration. (Lunch and refreshments for in-person attendees -- space is limited!)
The Retreat is an opportunity for participants to remove themselves from daily distractions and time demands to focus exclusively on dissertation writing. As well as dedicated writing time, there will be short check-in mini-seminars and support from expert writing advisors.
The Dissertation Writers' Retreat is specifically for writing your dissertation. Participants can register from the Own Your Future calendar on Western Connect.
Contact Doug Campbell [email protected] or Julie Jonkhans [email protected] if you have questions or need additional information.