SustainableCities Connect Workshop is open for registration! Featuring a panel, artist talks, and a creative exhibition, this event brings together a diverse team of researchers, practitioners, artists, and local experts to consider the intersection of art, urbanization, and sustainability through creative avenues. The event program can be viewed here. Please register at the following link before Nov 15:
Friday, November 22, 2024
John Labatt Visual Art Centre, Western University
A Panel [Urban Futures: Navigating Environmental Crises in a Rapidly Changing World]
Artist Talks [Creative Synergies: Reimagining Urban Spaces for a Sustainable Future]
A Creative Exhibition [Sustainable Cities: A Collective Eclipsing]
Please email Cynthia Lam at [email protected] if you have any questions. Everyone is welcome!
The full event is made possible by the generous support from: Western Sustainable Impact Fund, Western Research, Society of Graduate Students, Western Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, Office of Indigenous Initiatives, Department of Visual Arts, artLAB Gallery, Faculty of Engineering, the Free Appropriate Sustainable Technology (FSAT) research group.