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October 31, 2024 in Conferences and Forums, Graduate Students | Permalink | Comments (0)
Join graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from across Canada for the 4th annual Career Symposium, with three days of online career sessions.
Each year, the GPDN hosts a career symposium for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows aimed at professional development and career exploration. Presentations by GPDN members and invited experts cover topics including inspirational keynotes, career self-assessments, resumes, informational interviews, and networking.
DATES: Tuesday October 24 - Thursday October 26, 2023
TIMES: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Online, details provided upon registering
Admission is FREE.
September 25, 2023 in Conferences and Forums | Permalink | Comments (0)
The 53rd Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium (OE3C) 2023 ( is bringing to Western University the panel discussion “Surviving the Anthropocene: future steps for the 3 E’s under pressing planetary issues”.
The panel is part of the Colloquium’s programme (, and it is open to the Western community.
The panel happens on Saturday, May 28th from 2 to 4pm over Zoom.
Starting with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the Anthropocene is our current geological epoch. Marked by unprecedented human-made global disruption, the Anthropocene presents existential threats that might have never been encountered before. Global warming, biodiversity loss, rising sea levels, and climate-change-induced human displacement are just some of the many challenges we will continue to face. Guidelines for a sustainable future have been repeatedly proposed and the planetary boundaries for our safe existence have been established. Yet, more than 80% of the current global energy consumption still relies on unsustainable fossil fuels and the COP26 negotiations have not delivered.
To make things worse, the demand for oil and gas is expected to peak in the next two decades. Amidst this uncertain and tumultuous background, what are the future steps for Ecology, Ethology and Evolution? How can biologists contribute to the future of their discipline while implementing best-practices that guarantee the long-term survival of our planet? These are some of the questions that will guide this panel discussion on “Surviving the Anthropocene: future steps for the 3 E’s under pressing planetary issues”.
Here is the list of panelists:
May 24, 2023 in Conferences and Forums | Permalink | Comments (0)
Join us for this exciting Keynote, Networking Lunch and Thinking Globally, Acting Locally (TGAL) Research Forum on June 6, featuring award-winning broadcaster, Ziya Tong, author of The Reality Bubble.
Award-winning host Ziya Tong has been sharing her passion for science, nature and technology for almost two decades. Best known as the co-host of Daily Planet, Discovery Canada’s flagship science program, she brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to the stage. Tong will speak on leadership, how to shift perspective, and the role of science and technology in society.
Networking Lunch and Thinking Globally, Acting Locally (TGAL) Research Forum
Following the keynote, attendees are invited to stay for a networking lunch and the TGAL Research Forum. The forum will showcase the TGAL student teams’ ideas on tackling sustainability issues ranging from good health and well-being, climate action, and life on land, to sustainable cities and communities in the London community.
Don't miss the opportunity to hear from Ziya Tong, connect with other globally minded attendees and learn about possibilities to create positive change in the world.
Please note the deadline to register for the in-person keynote and lunch is May 26. Space is limited, so registrants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Questions about the TGAL Research Forum can be directed to Varun Ravikumar at [email protected].
This event is being co-hosted by the organizing teams for Western's School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' Thinking Globally, Acting Locally (TGAL) program as part of its Research Forum and Western International's World's Challenge Challenge initiative.
May 17, 2023 in Conferences and Forums, Upcoming Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
The 19th Annual Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference is happening on March 10-11, 2023 at the Halifax Central Library and Dalhousie University’s Collaborative Health Education Building (CHEB) in Halifax, NS.
Conference registration will open on January 3, 2023. Abstract submissions will close on January 6, 2023.
Crossroads is a student-led health research conference hosted by the School of Health and Human Performance Graduate Student Society. Over the course of the conference, two panel discussions will be held, covering the digitalization of health and breaking down systemic barriers for marginalized populations. There will also be the opportunity to participate in one of two interactive workshops on photovoice/photo elicitation research methods and trauma awareness. On the second day of the conference, students will have the opportunity to present their research in either an oral or poster format.
We will be accepting abstracts for poster and oral presentations from students working on any health-related project, at any stage (e.g., proposal, preliminary analysis, completed), and affiliated with any department (e.g., health professions, business, engineering, social sciences, etc.).
For more information, or to submit an abstract, please visit our website:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Crossroads 2023 Co-chairs, Joshua Yusuf and Michaela Title, at [email protected].
December 05, 2022 in Call for Abstracts, Posters, and Papers, Conferences and Forums, Upcoming Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Western University invites graduate students to submit abstracts for presentations and speed talks for the 2022 EnviroCon research conference.
EnviroCon is an annual interdisciplinary conference organized by the Centre for Environment and Sustainability. We welcome students from all departments, including Science, Engineering, Social Sciences, Business, Policy, and Management.
The conference will take place on March 25, 2022, and there are no fees associated with this event.
To submit an abstract (max 300 words), please use our abstract submission form.
Submission Deadline: March 4, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Successful applicants will be notified by March 11, 2022.
Questions? Please email [email protected].
February 28, 2022 in Conferences and Forums | Permalink | Comments (0)
Western Sustainability would like to invite you to join our upcoming Careers Around Sustainability panel, and WISE Case Competition!
Find details for each below, and contact Jessica Cordes, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected] with any questions.
Careers Around Sustainability Panel
Thursday, February 3, 2022
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Featuring Western faculty and alumni, the panel will discuss how all students can integrate sustainability into their professions and various fields/sectors of sustainability work. Panelists include faculty members Elizabeth Steyn (Western Law) and Desmond Moser (Department of Earth Sciences), and staff member Jessica Cordes (Sustainability Engagement Coordinator)
Zoom link:
WISE Case Competition
Registration is open February 1 - 9, 2022
Pitch your innovative and feasible solutions to help Western reduce its Scope 3 carbon emissions, specifically targeting emissions from transportation/commuting to campus. Solutions can involve students and staff. These could include, but are not limited to, social awareness, rewards, new devices/systems/technologies, etc. The full case details will be shared on Feb. 10, after the registration period.
Students from all academic backgrounds are encouraged to participate! Learn more about the WISE Case Comp HERE, or email Jessica Cordes, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected] with any questions.
January 27, 2022 in Conferences and Forums, Upcoming Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
From October 18 to October 21, 2021, the Graduate and Postdoctoral Development Network (GPDN) is hosting the annual Canadian Career Symposium for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows aimed at professional development and career exploration.
All sessions will be in English.
This symposium includes a keynote address by Molly Grisham, owner of the Influence LLC leadership academy, and presentations by GPDN members and invited experts on topics including career self-assessments, labour market research, informational interviews, networking, and research impact.
In addition to these sessions, the symposium will host career panels featuring speakers with advanced degrees discussing their experiences in government, consulting, and alternative teaching professions.
October 01, 2021 in Conferences and Forums, Upcoming Events, Workshops and Training | Permalink | Comments (0)
DATE: September 24, 2021
TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 12 noon
LOCATION: Please email [email protected] for the Zoom link
Dr Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor is primary interested in the sociology of gender and sexuality with a special focus on exploring the intersections between race, gender, sexuality through two core areas: sex tourism and cosmetic surgery/beauty. She recently completed research funded by the British Academy entitled 'Revisiting Child Sex Tourism: Rethinking Business Responses' (2018). This project brings together law and sociology into dialogue to consider child about and child sexual exploitation in relation to tourism and to critically interrogate mainstream responses to the issue and to trafficking. It revisits research on child sexual exploitation and sex tourism conducted in the 1990s to ask what has changed and what impact current policy initiatives to combat child sex tourism have had.
This talk draws on British Academy funded research on child sex tourism in Jamaica to understand some of the limitations of the way dominant discourses on trafficking. Data from the project entitled 'Revisiting Child Sex Tourism: Rethinking Business Responses' (2018) highlights how Jamaican interviewees who entered the sex industry as children framed their own experiences. It unpacks the interview data to understand how they perceive sexual labour and/or exploitation and how they experience sexual violence. It focuses in particular on the experience of male interviewees to allows us to visibly engage with sexuality and a racializing frame as well as gender. These perspectives are often hidden in anti-trafficking discourses and point to some of the dangers of conflating sex work with trafficking.
We would love to see you all there! All disciplines welcome.
Contact [email protected] if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make these events accessible to you.
September 15, 2021 in Conferences and Forums | Permalink | Comments (0)
You are cordially invited to Princeton University’s 2021 GradFUTURES Forum, "Broadening the Impact of the Ph.D. Within and Beyond the Academy: The Imperative of Graduate Student Professional Development” (April 26-30, 2021).
The GradFUTURES Forum accelerates connections among and between graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, and leaders from the academic, public, and private sectors. This week-long conference includes sessions and speakers covering: national best practices; ways to pivot and recalculate; bespoke immersive experiences and learning cohorts; mentorship; and innovation and entrepreneurship-- all designed to provide practical advice and meet the unique interests of graduate students.
This is a global conference open to all graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, employers, and anyone with an interest in the future of graduate education.
April 21, 2021 in Conferences and Forums | Permalink | Comments (0)
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